Talking About Budgeting Software and Spreadsheets

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Talking About Budgeting Software and Spreadsheets

Hey everyone, I’m Roger Pizzalo. Welcome to my website about budgeting software and spreadsheets. The time and effort you put into your budget pays out in dividends financially. Money has to be cultivated and protected to help it grow into a large savings fund. You can use the savings you build to buy a new car, home or piece of land. You can also pay for medical expenses with the funds without worry about depleting living expenses. I will use this site to help you find ways to save your money using budgeting software and spreadsheets. I invite you to visit anytime to learn more.

Using Your Payday Loan Responsibly: It’s Only A Matter Of Time

21 April 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

Payday loans and other short-term loan products are well known for having a high annual percentage rate. APR, a figure that tells borrowers how much the loan will cost over the course of a typical year, is a quick way to compare loans and lenders. APR typically falls in the range of 15% - 20% on most credit cards. For payday loans, that average APR rises to 339%. Since the loan is designed to be paid off in a span of a week or two, that yearly APR often has little meaning. Read More …

Frequently Asked Questions About Obtaining A Bail Bond From A Bondsman When Someone You Know Is Arrested

13 April 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

If you receive a call in the middle of the night from a friend or family member that has been arrested, you may wonder what you can do to help them get out of jail. Unless they are released on their own recognizance, you will probably need to go through a bail bondsman to post bail. If so, below are some frequently asked questions about obtaining a bail bond. What Is Needed To Post Bail With A Bondsman? Read More …

En Route To Financial Freedom: 3 Tips On How To Spend Payday Loans Wisely During The Christmas Season

23 December 2015
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

Money is tight for most Americans. In fact, the poorest group of Americans spend approximately 98% of their income, leaving them with only about $367 to spend for the year. The lack of funds can be a huge burden for many Americans, especially during the holiday seasons. This is especially troubling since the average American plans to spend an average of $830 on Christmas gifts this year. For those who are tight on money, getting a payday loan may not be a bad idea; however, it's easy to spend it all without a second thought. Read More …

Stressed Out Due To A Disconnect Notice? Timely Tips To Help Keep The Lights On!

10 November 2014
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

Opening the mail to find a disconnect notice from your electric company is stressful for anyone, but particularly so when the household budget is already strained to the limit. Since many homes rely on electricity for not only lighting, but heat, hot water, safe food storage and cooking, keeping the power on is extremely important for the health and comfort of the entire family. If you have received a disconnect notice from your power company and are unsure what to do, here is some advice that may help. Read More …

Best Place To Buy A Car: At A Used Car Dealership Or Outright From A Private Owner?

23 September 2014
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

Investing in a new or used car is a big deal because vehicles are expensive. If you are getting ready to purchase a used car and want to make sure you get a reliable vehicle for a fair price, you will have two main options to choose from. You could look for a car at a used car dealership, or you could search through ads for vehicles that are for sale by owner. Read More …