
About Me
Talking About Budgeting Software and Spreadsheets

Hey everyone, I’m Roger Pizzalo. Welcome to my website about budgeting software and spreadsheets. The time and effort you put into your budget pays out in dividends financially. Money has to be cultivated and protected to help it grow into a large savings fund. You can use the savings you build to buy a new car, home or piece of land. You can also pay for medical expenses with the funds without worry about depleting living expenses. I will use this site to help you find ways to save your money using budgeting software and spreadsheets. I invite you to visit anytime to learn more.

5 Steps To Buy A Home Quickly After A Short Sale

4 February 2021
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Do you want to buy a home but are being held back by a short sale on your credit history (or soon to be on your history)? Many American homeowners end up in this position after an unexpected financial emergency, an economic recession, or even a personal crisis such as divorce. But how can you overcome this challenge to buy your next home as soon as possible? Here are five steps to follow. Read More …

Easy Things You Can Do To Manage Your Personal Banking Account

20 November 2020
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

You've probably had a bank account for years, but you may not be taking all of the necessary steps to properly manage it. Neglecting to routinely balance your checking account or losing track of even one expense can lead to significant overdraft fees that could cost you hundreds of dollars over time. These simple steps will help you ensure that your bank account is always managed well.   1) Always be aware of your balance. Read More …

.How A Conventional Loan Works When Buying A New House

30 June 2020
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Contractors build new homes and list them for sale all the time. If you want to buy a brand-new home, you can look for homes that contractors just built, and you might find them in many different neighborhoods. If you are thinking of using a conventional loan to buy the house you choose, there are several things to understand. You Need 20% Down to Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance Conventional loans are different from other loan types, and they often have more requirements that borrowers must meet to be eligible for them. Read More …

Reasons To Outsource Tax Services For Your Business

7 January 2020
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Some businesses handle taxes on their own. However, there are many reasons why you might decide that it is time to outsource tax preparation to a professional tax preparation service. You'll want to understand how hiring a tax preparation service will change your business. More Focus on Core Business Activities When you hire a tax preparation service, you'll have more time to devote to your core business activities. There are tasks that you are better able to perform as a business leader, whether that be research and development or marketing or something else. Read More …

5 Reasons To Use A Debt Settlement Program

22 October 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

When you're drowning in debt, it can feel like there is no end in sight. It makes it hard to go about your daily needs and continue to pay off regular bills when you can hardly even touch your debt. The good news is there are resources out there that can help. Many people like you turn to debt settlement programs for assistance. It may be an option that you want to look into using. Read More …